Daily Positive Affirmation: I appreciate our magnificent planet. I return love and life to…

I appreciate our magnificent planet. I return
love and life to Earth and Mother Nature,
as it has given love and life to me.

22nd April, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I appreciate our magnificent planet. I return love and life to…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I live my life in a way that respects the Earth and all living things.

I live my life in a way that respects the Earth and all living things.

21st March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I live my life in a way that respects the Earth and all living things.

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I respect mother nature and take care of the environment.

I respect mother nature and take care of the environment.

20th December, 2010 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I respect mother nature and take care of the environment.

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I love and appreciate the beauty of mother nature.

I love and appreciate the beauty of mother nature.