Daily Positive Affirmation: Living life by the law of attraction brings light and joy into my…

Living life by the law of attraction brings
light and joy into my everyday experiences.

13th March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: Living life by the law of attraction brings light and joy into my…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: Positive results are appearing in my life every day. The Universe…

Positive results are appearing in my life every day.
The Universe is grateful for my efforts!

7th March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: Positive results are appearing in my life every day. The Universe…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I realize the beauty of my body, my life, and the world around me…

I realize the beauty of my body, my life, and the world around me.
I am enjoying it all to the fullest!

2nd March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I realize the beauty of my body, my life, and the world around me…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I feel infinite love and gratitude for all the amazing people in my life.

I feel infinite love and gratitude for all the amazing people in my life.

Daily Positive Affirmation: My mind, my body and my spirit are in perfect alignment. I am…

My mind, my body and my spirit are in perfect alignment.
I am grateful to receive today’s positive blessings.

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am grateful to be one with all that is!

I am grateful to be one with all that is!

31st December, 2010 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am grateful to be one with all that is!

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I am filled with peace, love, and gratitude!

I am filled with peace, love and gratitude!

Daily Positive Affirmation: The tools for success are freely attracted into my life. I am…

The tools for success are freely attracted into my life.
I am grateful for the abundance of success!

13th December, 2010 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The tools for success are freely attracted into my life. I am…

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