Daily Positive Affirmation: As I learn to walk consciously, I’m grateful for every step along…

As I learn to walk consciously, I’m grateful for
every step along the way.

10th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: As I learn to walk consciously, I’m grateful for every step along…

Daily Positive Affirmation: I have the will. I have the way!

I have the will. I have the way!

9th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I have the will. I have the way!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am the light and I am the love. It all lies within me!

I am the light and I am the love. It all lies within me!

8th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am the light and I am the love. It all lies within me!

Daily Positive Affirmation: My course to victory is clearly laid out in front of me. I am well…

My course to victory is clearly laid
out in front of me. I am well along the way!

7th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: My course to victory is clearly laid out in front of me. I am well…

Daily Positive Affirmation: I deserve to be loved fully and completely! <3

I deserve to be loved fully and completely! <3

6th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I deserve to be loved fully and completely! <3

Daily Positive Affirmation: I soak up the sunshine, sing in the rain and shine in the darkness…

I soak up the sunshine, sing in the rain and
shine in the darkness. My positivity switch is ON!

5th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I soak up the sunshine, sing in the rain and shine in the darkness…

Daily Positive Affirmation: Laughter is my daily medicine! :D

Laughter is my daily medicine! 😀

4th March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: Laughter is my daily medicine! :D

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am grateful for each person who has brought value and…

I am grateful for each person who has
brought value and experience into my journey.

3rd March, 2012 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am grateful for each person who has brought value and…

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