Daily Positive Affirmation: My eyes focus clearly on the positive, my ears tune clearly into…

My eyes focus clearly on the positive, my ears tune
clearly into the positive and my tongue
speaks clearly on the positive!

27th December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: My eyes focus clearly on the positive, my ears tune clearly into…

Daily Positive Affirmation: The moment to chase down my dreams does not have to wait…

The moment to chase down my dreams does not have to wait. My time is NOW!

26th December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The moment to chase down my dreams does not have to wait…

Daily Positive Affirmation: The holidays are a wonderful time to see what we can be…

The holidays are a wonderful time to see what
we can be truly grateful for.
I am GRATEFUL and sharing the love in GIVING

25th December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The holidays are a wonderful time to see what we can be…

Daily Positive Affirmation: I enjoy time with my family and friends. There is abundant love…

I enjoy time with my family and friends.
There is abundant love all around!

24th December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I enjoy time with my family and friends. There is abundant love…

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am efficient. Time is on MY side!

I am efficient. Time is on MY side!

23rd December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am efficient. Time is on MY side!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am mastering positive affirmations. They are…

I am mastering positive affirmations.
They are truly changing my life for the good!

22nd December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am mastering positive affirmations. They are…

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am consistently allowing a steady flow of SUCCESS into my life!

I am consistently allowing a steady flow of SUCCESS into my life!

21st December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am consistently allowing a steady flow of SUCCESS into my life!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I care about how I feel and I allow myself to FEEL GOOD!!

I care about how I feel and I allow myself to FEEL GOOD!!

20th December, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I care about how I feel and I allow myself to FEEL GOOD!!

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