Daily Positive Affirmation: I draw energy from the abundant ource that is within me and…

I draw energy from the abundant
source that is within me and all around me.

26th April, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I draw energy from the abundant ource that is within me and…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: The Earth senses my emotions and reacts to my energy. I am…

The Earth senses my emotions and reacts to my energy.
I am emitting love and positivity!

11th April, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The Earth senses my emotions and reacts to my energy. I am…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I am filled with the light and love of positive energy at all times!

I am filled with the light and love of positive energy at all times!

17th March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: I am filled with the light and love of positive energy at all times!

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Daily Positive Affirmation: My confidence comes from within, allowing me to feel good and…

My confidence comes from within, allowing me to
feel good and produce positive results!

1st March, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: My confidence comes from within, allowing me to feel good and…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: The better I feel about my experiences, the better my experiences…

The better I feel about my experiences,
the better my experiences become!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I wake up each morning on time, refreshed with energy, and…

I wake up each morning on time, refreshed with energy,
and ready to begin the day!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I respect and appreciate my body through physical and mental…

I respect and appreciate my body through
physical and mental exercise.

Daily Positive Affirmation: The energy of generosity returns to me ten fold as I share…

The energy of generosity returns to me ten fold
as I share my prosperity with others!

20th January, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The energy of generosity returns to me ten fold as I share…

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