Daily Positive Affirmation: I allow myself to be the watcher of my thoughts, bringing light and…

I allow myself to be the watcher of my thoughts, bringing light
and new perspectives. I choose to stay positive!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I find reasons to praise others!

I find reasons to praise others!

Daily Positive Affirmation: The quality of my experiences improve as my thoughts become…

The quality of my experiences improve as
my thoughts become more positive.

15th January, 2011 Comments Off on Daily Positive Affirmation: The quality of my experiences improve as my thoughts become…

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Daily Positive Affirmation: I feel a vibrant rush of positive energy flowing into my cells!

I feel a vibrant rush of positive energy flowing into my cells!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I look forward to change and the opportunity to balance and…

I look forward to change and the opportunity
to balance and expand my mind, body and spirit!

Daily Positive Affirmation: I recognize my inner beauty and allow it to shine…

I recognize my inner beauty and allow it
to shine outward to everyone!

Daily Positive Affirmation: My mind, my body and my spirit are in perfect alignment. I am…

My mind, my body and my spirit are in perfect alignment.
I am grateful to receive today’s positive blessings.

Daily Positive Affirmation: I am unaffected by negative attitudes around me. It feels…

I am unaffected by negative attitudes around me.
It feels amazing to hold my peace.

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